
COP 28: Unite. Act. Deliver


COP 28 and the climate crisis

COP 28 hosted (from 20th November to 12th December 2023) the UN’s Climate Change Conference. Its main objective was to bring together politicians, activists, and personalities from around the world to promote a coordinated action in order to double international efforts to limit temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius, as established in the 2015 Paris Agreement.

However, most countries, NGOs, and invited personalities reached, once again, the same conclusion: climate marketing and greenwashing have prevailed over urgency.

According to the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) reports, current GHG emission rates will lead to a global temperature rise of 2.7 degrees. Therefore, the countries that participated in the COP28 were required to submit or update their “nationally determined contributions”, so that they demonstrate that they are working to achieve the 1.5°C target.

Some notable advancements at COP28 include:

  1. Initiating an orderly and equitable transition away from fossil fuels, accelerating action during this critical decade to achieve net zero emissions by 2050, in line with scientific evidence. This approach marks a potential turning point in fossil fuel dependency.
  2. Commitments to triple renewable energy capacity and double energy efficiency by 2023.
  3. Acknowledging the need to tailor the transition to the diverse realities and circumstances of each country.
  4. Acceptance of the goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 43% by 2030, compared to 2019 levels, to keep global temperature rise below 1.5°C.
  5. Gradually phasing out ineffective subsidies to fossil fuels.
  6. Historic progress in operationalizing the loss and damage fund, as well as financing agreements, with over $700 million committed to date. The Green Climate Fund (GCF) was bolstered with new funds totaling $12.8 billion from 31 countries, with additional contributions expected. Additionally, eight countries announced new commitments to the Funds for Least Developed Countries and the Special Climate Change Fund, totaling over $174 million to date. Nearly $188 million in new pledges were made to the Adaptation Fund during COP28.
  7. Commitments to establish early warning systems, information services, and systematic observation of climate change by 2027.
  8. Accelerating the reduction of road transport emissions through investments in infrastructure and rapid adoption of zero and low-emission vehicles.

Notwithstanding, the results of the negotiations were not as positive as they might seem. The participants did not reach agreements on crucial issues for the sustainability of the planet, such as the end of subsidies to fossil fuels, phasing out coal, putting a price on carbon, etc.

The agreement has not managed to include the word “elimination” or “reduction” of fossil fuels. There is also no clear timeline for achieving this elimination.

Although the goal of 1.5°C is recognized again, specific pathways or plans to achieve it are not mentioned.

Financial commitments are far from the trillions eventually needed to support developing countries in transitioning to clean energy, implementing their national climate change plans, and adaptation efforts.

Many challenges remain ahead to turn all these commitments into real outcomes.

COP 28 and the refrigeration industry

For the refrigeration industry, the most valuable issues discussed at the COP28 are the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the development of environmentally sustainable models.

Gradhoc has been actively working to develop the best cooling management system by combining technology and experience. It is an investment in the medium and long term that will allow all kinds of industries to achieve greater rates of energy efficiency, which means saving significant sums of money during the life cycle of the equipment used. In addition, a real environmental commitment enhances corporate reputation, which, in turn, increases both sales and the chances of receiving public and private investment. Finally, the subsidies available to polluting industries will be decreasing, jeopardizing the competitiveness of those business that fail to align their financial objectives with the ecological ones.

On the other hand, the food sector needs a refrigeration industry that be technologically advanced, as well as committed to the environment, to maximize its efficiency, thus avoiding deforestation, optimizing energy consumption, etc.

Gradhoc, through its software, helps to achieve the environmental objectives settled to secure our future in our planet.


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