
The Cooling Management System for your Industry.

Smart refrigeration, cooler future

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¿Qué es Gradhoc?

Gradhoc is a cloud-based platform that optimizes the operation of refrigeration installations and performs preventive and predictive maintenance. It acts automatically before failures occur, anticipating alarms.


What is Gradhoc?

Gradhoc is designed to adapt to your specific needs with customized parameterization. It is multi-protocol and multi-manufacturer compatible. Additionally, it can centrally integrate other energy and process variables.


How can we help you?

Technology is the answer.

Currently, refrigeration systems face various challenges:

  • Product losses due to failures in cold rooms.
  • High energy consumption resulting from inefficient operation of the refrigeration system and failure to take advantage of economical tariff periods.
  • Manual and data-less maintenance, with 80% being corrective after failures occur.
  • Production stoppages resulting from the aforementioned issues.

With Gradhoc, we address these problems by ensuring optimal food preservation, reducing waste, and decreasing energy consumption and CO₂ emissions.


Monitoring and assets management

Real-time readout and data records of all variables related to the existing assets: visualization of the machine room, cold rooms and the services to which they supply cold.

Asset management, classifying them according to the type of maintenance they admit.



The optimizer is a functionality specific to each installation that sets adaptive temperatures based on real-time needs in a particular refrigeration system, taking into account power producers, contracted tariffs, and customer processes, all aimed at minimizing energy costs.

Additionally, it is capable of managing equipment start-ups and shutdowns based on pre-defined priorities to avoid excessive consumption.




Digital Twin

Data and charts concerning the detection of outliers of the statistical and machine learning model for the detection of desviations in the performance of any device.

Comparator twin: Comparison of the behaviour of similar assets clasified into different typologies. It compares optimal vs. actual model


Preventive and

predictive maintenance

Leveraging the platform’s AI, the system’s rules detect patterns or early signs of malfunctions which, if not addressed, could lead to failure.

This process generates events with varying priorities that preempt alarms, continuously analyzing the behavior of the refrigeration installation. The system can automatically perform state changes in assets, such as adjustments to temperatures, pressures, and operating times. Additionally, it can send notifications, generate work orders, and produce reports

Automatic actions are triggered before failures occur.


Other energies and processes

Gradhoc enables us to create customized projects that can integrate other energy and process variables. It is a configurable and scalable platform tailored to the specific needs of each client.

In real time and with programmable automatic sending. Comparisons between various facilities. Profitability per production line.


Ad hoc reporting

All your industrial plants managed from a single control panel.



Food quality & safety

Guaranteeing that the product is in good condition

Minimising the loss of goods

Production and maintenance

Optimisation of production by adapting it to the product and its costs and by reducing the number of stoppages

Improvement of efficiency indicators

Enhancement of the components’ durability and reduction of maintenance costs (more than 25%)

Energy efficiency & sustainability

Reduction of CO2 emissions (between 20 & 35%)

Energy savings (between 20 & 40%)

Business growth

Prioritisation of investments (cost-benefit)

Productivity growth

New installations or expansions

Amortisation of equipment



Comprehensive & scalable

The implementation requires the installation of an industrial PC, the software and network analysers. The system can integrate equipment from multiple manufacturers via standard communications protocols: Modbus/Mbus/OPC/BACnet/IEC.


Characteristics of the system


24 hours / 365 days a year


Cross-platform with remote access

Security (different access levels)

Virtual environment

Intuitive and customisable

Personalised dashboards and KPIs

Numerous options for filtering and comparing data

Generation of reports that will be sent according to a programmed schedule

Data export: pdf, excel, email, JSON…


Real-time information and analysis of data records

Comparisons using costs/consumption indicators per point of consumption, per area, per plant, profitability per production line…




Will you prepare for change?

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