
Launch of Activity: Thermal Load Management and Effective Cold Room Zoning


Launch of Activity: Thermal Load Management and Effective Cold Room Zoning within Gradhoc’s Innovation Plan

Gradhoc Smart has initiated a new innovation activity focused on enhancing energy efficiency in its industrial refrigeration systems. This initiative aims to equip its workforce with key knowledge on thermal load management and effective cold room zoning to optimize energy usage and minimize the environmental impact of its operations.

To execute this initiative, Gradhoc Smart has partnered with the Energy Technologies Group of the University of Vigo (GTE-Uvigo), a leading expert in heat transfer, energy management, and sustainability. This well-established research group will play a critical role in advising and training Gradhoc Smart’s team, providing tools and expertise to improve processes related to energy efficiency.

During the activity, GTE-Uvigo will deliver specialized consulting services focused on thermal load management and effective cold room zoning. The group’s experts will collect precise data on internal temperature, storage capacity, and other key thermal indicators. This data will be instrumental in enabling Gradhoc Smart to gain a comprehensive understanding of the operational conditions of its industrial refrigeration systems.

Based on this information, the company is expected to make well-informed strategic decisions, leading to a significant improvement in the energy efficiency of its facilities.

This initiative is part of the InnovaPeme 2024 Program, funded by the Axencia Galega de Innovación (GAIN).


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