
Impact on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Smart refrigeration, cooler future

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The development of the EU is accompanied by a significant environmental impact. Climate change and environmental degradation pose a threat to Europe and the world. To address these challenges, the European Green Deal will transform the EU into a modern, competitive, and efficient economy. To this end, an action plan has been developed to make the EU economy sustainable by turning climate and environmental challenges into opportunities across all sectors in a fair and inclusive manner. The Green Deal is the growth strategy for a sustainable, clean, safe, and healthy EU economy, ensuring:

  • Net-zero GHG emissions by 2050.
  • Economic growth decoupled from resource use.



Therefore, any initiative that promotes a low-carbon economy will be aligned with current European policies. GRADHOC’s business activity is perfectly aligned with the two strategic points mentioned above:

  1. An improvement in production processes in the refrigeration sector through the optimization of resources and efficient facility management using enabling technologies that enhance the competitiveness of businesses.
  2. An improvement in the energy efficiency of facilities and the consequent reduction of GHG emissions, both from energy use and the utilization of fluorinated gases.


Impact on the SDGs

In a world where sustainability is essential for our future, Gradhoc, a company committed to innovation and decarbonization, tirelessly aligns its activities with the Sustainable Development Goals. Gradhoc aligns with the following SDGs:

Sustainable Development Goal 5 aims to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. At Gradhoc, we promote equal opportunities in the workplace, hiring professionals based on their skills and experience, regardless of gender.

Sustainable Development Goal 9 aims to build resilient infrastructure and promote sustainable innovation. At Gradhoc, our technology is the result of years of research and development, focused on improving the optimization and maintenance processes of industrial and commercial refrigeration, with a strong component of continuous R&D. It incorporates predictive algorithms, machine learning, and artificial intelligence solutions that enable the platform to learn and provide clients with the best optimization and maintenance solutions.

Sustainable Development Goal 12 focuses on ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns. Gradhoc’s technology promotes the rational use of resources in both industry and retail, reducing energy consumption, improving the efficiency of industrial installations, and minimizing food product losses.

Sustainable Development Goal 13 calls for urgent action to combat climate change. Gradhoc software is designed to improve energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, aligning with current environmental challenges. Our platform uses advanced algorithms to analyze and optimize the performance of installations, contributing to environmental sustainability.

Gradhoc is committed to creating a sustainable future. 

Our mission is clear: innovate responsibly, promote equality, and combat climate change. 

Join us on this journey towards a better world!


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